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At our annual meeting on Saturday November 9th the Ogle County Fair Board President Tom Simpson, presented our Volunteer of the Year award to Lukas Horst.  Lukas was at the fair all week helping with anything we asked of him.  The board would also like to thank everyone who supported and volunteered with the Ogle County Fair this year.  The Ogle County Fair Association Is a Tax Exempt 501c-3 Non-Profit Organization that is totally run by volunteers, so it would not be possible to operate without your help, support, and donations.  Please mark your calendar to attend or volunteer at next year’s fair Wed, July 30th – Sun August 3rd. 

2024 Fair 

The 2024 Fair was a success with our attendance slightly above last year.  We had many positive comments and reactions to the changes and improvements this year.  The Ogle County Fair Board would like to thank our wonderful volunteers that helped prepare the grounds and those that worked during the fair helping it run smoothly.  The volunteers work the whole year maintaining and improving the grounds along with planning to make the fair happen.  Also, our fair would not be possible without private donations and our generous sponsors.  The Ogle County Fair Association Is a Tax Exempt 501c-3 Non-Profit Organization.

We are excited to announce Ogle County Fair comes back July 30, 2024

Online Registration

Click the link below to be transferred to our online registration form.

At the February 19th Ogle County Fair Board meeting, two retiring members were recognized for their years of service on the board.  Denny Alderks served on the board for 27 years and Rita Dauphin served for 25 years.  The board wanted to thank both Denny and Rita for the many hours of dedicated volunteer service they provided to help build our fair.  Both received a plaque and lifetime passes for the fair.

Honoring A Lifetime of Dedication 


Project Green

On behalf of the Ogle County Fair Board we would like to thank Those who have helped in the process making our grounds a more beautiful place for the families that come out to the enjoy the fair.

Kevin Wiegmann

Philip and Janet Platz

Dave Engelbrecht

Don and Nancy Etnyre

Merlins Greenhouse

Hidden Timber Gardens

Denny and Sharon Alderks

Myron Alderks

Robert and Linda Alderks

O'Brien Civil Works, Inc


Scott and Diane Lillie

Jim Lutz (Lutz Corp)

Chrissie and Ann Martin

Brian Grover

Roger Cain

Gary and Eddie Monahan

Steve and Lori Lantz

William Hefty

Richard Rhoads

Donald Wetzel (Pete's Properties, LLC)

Get to Know Us

The first Ogle County Fair was held in October of 1853 on the lawn of the Ogle County Court House. In the early years, it was held a several places and on one occasion, in Byron.


In 1856 a group of citizens purchased 10 acres of land in the north section of Oregon along Illinois Route #2. An additional 10 acres was purchase in 1858 followed by the acquisition of 6 acres from Mr. E.S. Potter in 1901. Ten more acres were latter purchased from the estate of James H. Cartwright. The grandstand was constructed in 1925 followed by the horse barn in 1927. The fair encompassed approximately 40 acres by 1968.

Billboard New image 2021.jpg
Mailing Address
PO Box 142, Oregon, IL 61061
Street Address
1440 N Limekiln Rd, Oregon, IL 61061
Contact Us
Phone: (815)732-6962
Fair Board Meeting's
are the third Monday of every month
Last Updated: 04/07/2024 By Justin Simpson
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